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Personal Training

Like many things in life success can often come from failure. I'm not here to tell you how to train, what to train or even why to train. If you are going to take anything away from this I would want it to be the mindset that the workouts for you are the ones that you stick to.

In my opinion, all of your training sessions should be tailored to your goals and interests. There is a crap load of misinformation out there regarding weight loss and fitness which makes it easy to waste money and end up giving up.

Why run a marathon every night if you dislike cardio and running? Is it because someone told you thats what you need to do to lose weight?

Why lift weights that you can't quite handle? Is it because a friend said you need to lift heavy to get big?

The Truth

If you want to lose weight it is extremely simple..

Your bodyweight + What you eat - What calories you burn = Weight loss or gain.

That's it. All "weight loss" or "weight gain" can be easily controlled with no training and only adjusting your nutrition. I lost 20kg in 9 months just eating and no training.

Consistency is the key

It really is, if you want to lose weight, create a nutrition plan that is at a caloric deficit to your normal intake and stick with it. Nothing happens overnight, but in 21 days your body will start working in the intended direction.

If you want to be strong, make a plan and stick to it.

My natural body is weak, if I eat clean my natural weight is 63kg and I'm skinny. If I eat whatever I want and don't train, it sits at 83kg and I'm skinny fat. From starting out struggling with a 60kg bench, right now my best 1 rep max for benchpress is 140kg at 76kg bodyweight. There's nothing overly impressive with that other than the sheer fact that I've consistently trained and tracked my sessions, the result being an 80kg increase on my benchpress for a 13kg increase in bodyweight. Quite simply, I made a plan and have stuck to it. If I can then in all seriousness anyone can.

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