Well, if you've peeked inside my bio you may have read that I mentioned I started out designing with DreamWeaver, Flash & Fireworks.. I did a couple of courses many years ago relating to DreamWeaver and Flash but this was right before HTML & CSS became the standard. As frustrating as this timing was, the appeal of web design for me has always been the aesthetic results.. something that Macromedia's suite of products could capably fulfill.
I have utilised the famous blogging platform as a means of Web Design for many years now, it is a fantastic and versatile platform but for me personally had always been lacking in a way. I guess the easiest way for me to describe it is that it's a Blogging platform that has grown to become capable of being many platforms with the ever expanding plugins and themes available. The addition of Elementor makes WordPress everything I wish it always had been. WordPress is a powerful and capable platform but having come from a early 2000's Macromedia background, until Elementor WordPress always left me feeling like it could all be simpler. Web Design has had an interesting journey in my eyes, from hand coded to drag and drop, people have and will argue over the best type of design, what tools should be used for design and what they consider is acceptable design.
I remember hearing about Wix early on when it was Flash based. There was a negative Stigma associated with Wix among the few designers I knew. Fast forward to present day and the designers both new and old school speak highly of Wix. So i thought why not have a play with it.. and so far I like it, I like it a lot.